Sunday, April 3, 2016

What Challenges?

There is nothing in your day that can demand things from you that are not already in the inventory of your capabilities. You have been capacitated to deal with any kind of demand that emanates from your daily experiences. The biggest question that you are going to have to answer is; do you believe in your own potentials? Do you believe that you have enough power in you to deal with the most seemingly insurmountable challenges? Do you even see that your challenges are merely attempting to point you to your own strength and abilities? Perhaps the challenges we often face are really prompted by the strengh in us. So that our strengths are yearning to be utilised in order that we might move towards our destiny but they often cannot because we surpress them by being afraid and cowardly. The way-forward is really the way-in, if you cannot find your inner strength you cannot have the stimulus to move towards your dreams.
It takes you reaching-in, in order to move forward. You have been endowed with so much power, ideas, concepts and solutions that challenges are just drawn to you. Not so much that you should be intimidated but so that you may find a reason to unleash the potential locked up in the recesses of your inner soul. Yes I said it, challenges find their way to you. They know your address, they know your dialling code and they find you to be easily accessible. You should never shrink when confronted, rather, reach deep within the arsenal of your soul and you will be met with solutions, ideas and concepts that will see you rise shoulders above your situations.

1 comment:

  1. What challenges!?! Through Christ I'm a lioness and will stand tall!! Roaarrrrrrrr!!! Thank you Sammy Dollar for the reminder that all that I need has already been planted inside me.
